Contact details for locations
The National Legal Services Authority has three branches: public guardianship, legal aid, and financial and debt counselling. Services are provided by 22 legal aid offices and 22 guardianship offices in mainland Finland and by the Legal Aid and Guardianship Office in Åland. Their staff will be happy to assist you to find out if you are eligible for our services.
Financial and debt counselling
Financial and debt counselling helps you with financial questions, big or small. Our services are confidential and free of charge.
Legal aid
In court proceedings and handling other legal matters, it is often necessary to use a legally trained assistant. If you cannot afford the legal assistance you need, it can be funded for you either partially or entirely by the state.
Trials and managing other legal matters often require using a legally trained assistant. If you cannot afford to get the help they need, it can be paid for you with state funds, either partially or entirely.
Public guardianship
A guardian may be necessary when, for example, a severe illness or high age has weakened the person´s mental abilities to the extent that he or she cannot oversee his or her own interests or manage their affairs.
A guardian is appointed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency or a district court. A guardian can be a private guardian or a public guardian working in a guardianship office. National Legal Services Authority is responsible for public guardianship services.