Collective Agreements 

The collective agreement documents are specific to agencies and institutions as well as specific to the administrative sector.

The current detailed collective agreement documents of the legal aid offices, along with their attachments, can be found below as PDF files in Finnish.

The original signed versions can be requested from the Registry of the National Legal Services Authority.

Documents may not be published without the permission of the Ministry of Justice.

General Agreement Area of the Judiciary 

Contracting parties: Ministry of Justice, JUKO ry, JHL ry, Pro ry

Validity: 1.1.–28.2.2025.

Detailed collective agreement concerning the general agreement area of the judiciary (in Finnish)

Signature protocol for the detailed collective agreement concerning the general agreement area of the judiciary (in Finnish)

Public legal aid attorneys

Contracting parties: Ministry of Justice, JUKO ry

Validity: 1.3.2024–28.2.2025.

Detailed collective agreement on the remuneration of Public legal aid attorneys (in Finnish)

Signature protocol for the detailed collective agreement on the remuneration of Public legal aid attorneys (in Finnish)