Financial and debt counselling services, Lohja office

Visiting address

Nummentie 12-14 A 08100 LOHJA

Show the location on the map.

Service hours

Monday 09.00-11.00

Monday 12.00-15.00

Wednesday 09.00-11.00

Wednesday 12.00-15.00

Friday 09.00-11.00

Friday 12.00-15.00

Service area

Espoo, Hanko, Ingå, Kirkkonummi, Lohja, Raasepori, Siuntio, Vihti

Service languages

Suomi, Svenska

Other contact details


Telephone number

+358 295661827 The financial and debt counsellor is available by phone weekdays between 9.00 and 12.00. Customer service is open on weekdays 8 – 16.15.

Contact us

The financial and debt counselling services of the Espoo legal aid office are open from Monday to Friday between 9- 15.

The financial and debt counselling services of the Lohja legal aid office are open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9.00 – 11.00 and 12.00 – 15.00.

Telephone consultation and booking of appointments from Monday to Friday, 9.00 -12.00, call 029 56 61827. In other matters from Monday to Friday, 8.00 – 9.00 and 12.00 – 16.15.

Appointments must be booked in advance.

The email address of the financial and debt counselling services is lansi-uusimaa.velkaneuvonta(at)
When sending email, please replace (at) with @.

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