Keski-Uusimaa public guardianship, Hyvinkää office
Service hours
Monday 09.00-15.00
Tuesday 09.00-15.00
Wednesday 09.00-15.00
Thursday 09.00-15.00
Friday 09.00-15.00
Service area
Hausjärvi, Hyvinkää, Loppi, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Riihimäki
Service languages
Other contact details
Telephone number
+358 295652500 Customer service is open on weekdays 8 – 16.15.
PL 81 05801 HYVINKÄÄ
Staff can be reached as follows:
Customer service number 029 56 52500 is available from Monday to Friday, 8 – 16.15.
Telephone service hours of the public guardians and public guardianship sevretaries are 9.30–11.30 Monday to Friday.
Reception of clients by appointment only.
The email address to the Keski-Uudenmaan public guardianship oofice is keski-uusimaa.edunvalvonta(at)
When sending email, please replace (at) with @.
Director of the Public Guardianship Office
Leading Public Guardian Kirsi Väänänen tel. 029 56 52 520
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52510
Public guardians and their working partners
1st Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52521
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52511
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52514
2nd Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52522
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52512
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52517
3rd Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52523
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52513
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52516
4th Public Guardian tel. 029 56 52525
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52518
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52527
Public Guardianship Secretary tel. 029 56 52515